Is this the real DeLorean Time Machine from "Back to the Future"?
Yes! This is the screen used Hero “A” Car, that appeared in all three Back to the Future films. This is the same car that rolled of the back of Doc Brown’s truck.
What does “A Car" mean?
This was the first Time Machine built for Back to the Future, giving it the designation of “A” car. The second car built was called the “B” car, and the third was the “C” car.
Wait – they had more than one Time Machine?
Yes! Three Time Machines were built for Back to the Future. For Part 2, a lightweight fiberglass Time Machine was built for the flying scenes. Three more Time Machines were built for the action scenes of BTTF 3. So, there were a total of seven Time Machines.
If there were seven Time Machines, what makes this one so special?
The “A” car is special, because it was the “Hero” car. That means it was the best looking, most detailed, and got more screen time than all the other Time Machines.
Where are all the other Time Machines?
Sadly, most have been lost to time. The “A” Car is the only remaining Time Machine that appeared in all three movies – adding to its historic significance.
Where has the "A" Car been all these years?
For over 25 years, the “A” Car has was on display at Universal Studios Hollywood.
How did the Time Machine get to be in such bad shape?
As a tourist attraction, the Time Machine remained outside for long periods. Time, harsh weather, and a steady stream of over-enthusiastic fans hastened the car’s decline.
Who restored the Time Machine?
The vehicle was restored by Joe Walser (Head of the Restoration), Terry Matalas (Restoration Producer) and the Time Machine Restoration Team.
Who was on the Restoration Team?
Over two dozen skilled artists, engineers, mechanics, doctors, designers, fire fighters, filmmakers, and more. But they all have one thing in common – they are all huge Back to the Future fans.
How long did it take to fully restore the Time Machine?
It took over 12 months to compleltey disassemble, restore, then reassemble the Time Machine. But members of the Restoration Team have been researching, studying, and building Time Machine Replicas for over 15 years. That knowledge proved invaluable during the restoration.
How accurate is the Time Machine?
The restored Time Machine is 100% accurate to the film. Every scratch. Every bolt. Exactly like it appeared in the film.
Were any of the stars from the movie involved in the project?
BTTF Co-Writer and Producer Bob Gale was directly involved in the entire process. Working with Universal Studios, he helped get the restoration going. Bob also hand selected Joe Walser to head the Restoration Team. Throughout the entire restoration, Bob offered help, advice, support, and guidance. It never would have happened without him. Seriously.
When will the film be available?
July 19th is our expected release date!
Where is the Time Machine now?
The Time Machine is now on permanent display at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. For more info: Petersen.org
How long will the documentary be?
60 minutes, plus 30 minutes of bonus features and a full length audio commentary.
Was making this movie a dream come true?
For me, yes. For my wife, who was stuck at home with a baby every weekend, while I shot this movie...not so much.